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Lennar Lawsuits( SF Bay Guardian, by Sarah Phelan)

Proposed Ballet Measure would give Lennar even more control of San Francisco

Nuclear Fallout

Clean up the entire Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - now!

Supplemental Independent Expenditure Reports

Chronicle Article [April 8, 2005]

Community Flyer April 7, 2005 [PDF, 119 KB]

'Gavin Newsom Hands over the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard to Lennar Corp. for One Dollar' [ SF Gate January 13, 2005]

'Navy signs binding pact on first parts of shipyard' [SF Gate April 4, 2004]

'Land Ho' [ Lisa Davis -SF Weekly February 6, 2002]

Lawsuits against Lennar Corporation [all years]

Lennar files for bankrupctcy at Mare Island, Vallejo

Avoiding a Lennar Meltdown

Lennar-The Corporation that ate San Francisco

You Tube link (Young Black Team fighting Lennar)

Link to Nancy Pelosi Watch-Corruption in Hunters Point

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